glassy blog post

Caring for a New Windshield

Kent Lansing
Apr 21, 2020

Bringing your car in for a windshield replacement can feel like a real drag. After all, you have to take time out of your day (unless you opt for mobile services) and wait for your windshield to get its act together. Once the repair or replacement is complete, though, you’re free to hit the road again! But there are some things you can do to ensure your trip to the auto glass repair center was not in vain. Read on for some tips.

Warranty Paperwork

After one of our stellar technicians gets through working on your windshield, you’ll be given paperwork and a receipt regarding the details of your installation. We highly recommend hanging onto this paperwork for your personal records and in the event of a warranty claim. Oftentimes, shops will offer a warranty covering faulty parts or poor workmanship for a varying period of time.

Take It Easy

For the first full day after getting your windshield replaced, take it easy on your vehicle. This means no slammed doors or jarring impacts because the first 24 hours is a rather fragile time for your newly set windshield. If you can, crack your windows a bit. Opening your windows ensures no pressure will build up within your vehicle too and allows the resin to continue curing.

Avoid the Car Wash

While it may be tempting, avoid taking your car to get washed for a few days after a windshield replacement. By exposing your vehicle to cleansers and detergents, you’re tampering with the seal that keeps your auto glass tightly in place. Said seal should be left alone for three days following your replacement, to avoid any damage. Tape may also be put in place to preserve the overall job too, so be sure that isn’t removed prior to the 24-hour mark.